
The scenery, the glaciers, the mountain wildlife and plants and, above all, the beautiful stone! The houses in Bonneval sur Arc and Ecot are typical examples of Haute Maurienne architecture

Carte & Points d’intérêt

J'y vais


Belle, where are you? Belle? It's easy to imagine Sebastian calling his loyal companion, here where the landscape provided the backdrop for various films about the saga of Belle and Sebastian. Purist fans of the TV series broadcast in 1965 will tell you the adventure took place in the Mercantour mountains. But the film version was shot here in the village of Ecot. Once you're here you'll easily understand why the producers chose this site. The scenery, the glaciers, the mountain wildlife and plants and, above all, the beautiful stone! The houses in Bonneval sur Arc and Ecot are typical examples of Haute Maurienne architecture. These stone buildings blend perfectly into the landscape, just like on a film set. Enjoy the film!

Période d'ouverture

From 01/06 to 01/10.

Subject to favorable snow and weather conditions.


  • Balisage NON_BALISE
  • Type d'itinéraire ALLER_RETOUR


Free access.

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L’itinéraire en bref

  • Difficulté
    Difficulté Level bue - Medium
  • Dénivelé positif
    Dénivelé positif 537 m
  • Distance
    Distance 30 km
  • Dénivelé négatif
    Dénivelé négatif 537 m
  • Altitude max.
    Altitude max. 2140
Télécharger le fichier GPX Découverte - l'Ecot et la Vallée de la Duis - track